Thursday, 8 November 2012

Get some clothes on!

I couldn't keep my character naked so it's time to put some gear on him!
I started by masking a big part of his torso and then extracting it, then just smoothing things out so it doesn't look like it's skin tight, which it obviously isn't as I mentioned I wanted a carbon body armour piece.

I started masking in my patterns, but I found I couldn't achieve a straight line let alone a curve that wasn't bent all over. So I turned lazy mouse on which just really made masking the details in so much easier for me. They're other ways of doing this such as using curves, but I found this simple and effective.

I then just inverted the mask as you can see from the images on top, and then used the flatten brush to just push in the detail slightly. I added the shoulder piece to it too and repeated the same steps of getting the pattern. Mask, invert, and flatten. As you can see from the image below, I also filled the object with the metallic texture.

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