Sunday, 6 January 2013

A new project - Creating Game Assets!

For this project, we had to form groups that consisted of 1 designer and 2-3 artists. The designer would be the one doing everything map related (UDK work), which includes map design, cinematic storyboards, triggers and using these means to show a narrative. On the other hand artists had to design and model assets ready to be imported into UDK.

The level we had to create could be anything, so we chose a plane crash onto a foreign island which holds ancient relics and ruins. The level starts off in a jungle where the plane crashes. So I already had my theme and colour scheme in mind as I thought of assets to design for the jungle. I wanted ancient ruins, so mossy ruined rocks would be the most apparent design in my assets for the jungle.

As a group we thought of the story more and more and expanded on it, we wanted to make 'monumental' assets to support the narrative. Jack our other artist volunteered to model the plane, which of course is the first and probably biggest asset to model.
As you walk through the jungle you'll find yourself walking up a huge staircase, through an arch of some sort which leads to a door to this huge ancient relic of a building. I already knew which assets I would be designing, the staircase, the arch and the door.

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