Sunday, 30 September 2012

An effective hitpoint tracker.

This was discussed as a group several times, and several ideas came up with these discussions. How would we keep track of hitpoints without the need of a calculator or other tools? To make it simple for the player and not something they need to worry about.
The first step to solve that was simple - remove numbers! We instead would use something else, again this brought up another series of discussions. What would we use?
We thought of pins that you could stick in a foam/cork-like material, or sliders perhaps.
After all these discussions we ended up on hearts. And even further, to split these hearts in half so that things were easily to calculate, it wouldn't be 20-3.5 etc, instead just simply taking out half hearts, which would be clearly indicated by the ability cards.
Now the next problem, how would we present these? Would they be flimsy paper hearts that players could accidently rip, by just taking hearts out when they lose hitpoints, would we use a container for them?
Luckily one of our members Dan had an idea that we could use Velcro, and even luckier, he had some at home!
They were circular Velcro pieces, we stuck on a whole heart to each circle, then cut around the hearts and split them in two.
This worked great, it was so simple and effective the players never had to think twice about how many hitpoints they had left or how many they gained.

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